Benjamin Franklin Invented...

Urinal Cakes

Added Friday, July 24, 2009
In addition to his other endeavors, during the 1760s Ben Franklin experimented often with new baking techniques (primarily to show how versatile his new Franklin Stoves could be). One day he decided to make a small plate of cakes to put next to the outhouse so the patriots could enjoy a snack while answering nature's call. But when John Hancock accidentally knocked the cakes into the urine pot Ben discovered that the cakes absorbed the foul odor. He then took the recipe in a new direction, and soon the urinal cake was the most popular (and unlikely) cake in Philadelphia!
Todd Crappr, 13 years ago
Wow! My life would be COMPLETELY different without that invention... I work at a urinal cake factory!
DORK467, 11 years ago
STOP, 11 years ago