Career Overview
In 2003 I graduated from Tufts University with a dual B.A. in Mathematics and Computer Science. I was soon hired by UBS Investment bank where I worked for four years as a loan administrator and business analyst. During this time I continued my education at Fairfield University where I took evening classes, completing my M.S. in 2007, with a focus in Financial Mathematics.
In the spring of 2008 I was invited to serve at the Bahá'í World Centre in Haifa, Israel where I served in the Finance Department for two and a half years as a treasury analyst.
In the spring of 2010 I was accepted into the Ph.D. program at University of Illinois at Chicago in the department of Mathematics, Statistics and Mathematical Computer Science. Having successfully defended my thesis in Game Theory in August 2016 under the advisement of T.E.S. Raghavan, I completed a three year research postdoc at Arizona State University developing models of fisheries and continuing my own research in statistics, game theory and justice. I am continuing my research on ecological agent-based models with the Ocean Conservancy, and pursue my own interests.
My Curriculum Vitae
Research and Publications
My research interests are broadly in the intersection between statistical methods, stochastic models, games and issues of law and justice. I am also interested in statistical and machine learning, social networks and graph theory.
My Erdös number is 4.
- Brian Powers
Dual-Issue Final-Offer Arbitration: Invariance of Pure Optimal Strategies Under Lp Metrics
International Game Theory Review 21 (04), 1950011
- Brian Powers
An Analysis of Dual-Issue Final-Offer Arbitration
International Journal of Game Theory 48 (1), 81-108
Conference Publications (Peer Reviewed)
- Yi Huang, Brian Powers, Lev Reyzin
Training-Time Optimization of a Budgeted Booster
In Proceedings of the 24th International
Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(IJCAI 2015)
- Jeremy Kun, Brian Powers, Lev Reyzin
Anti-Coordination Games and Stable Graph Colorings
In Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory
(SAGT 2013)
(Jeremy's) slides
- Brian Powers, Michalis Smyrnakis, Hamidou Tembine
Empathy in Bimatrix Games
eprint arXiv: 1709.01910
Conference Poster Presentations
- Brian Powers
Analysis of Multi-Issue Final-Offer Arbitration
Poster session at Dynamic Approach to Game and Economic Theory - Celebrating Sergiu Hart's 65th birthday
(Ratio65 2015)
- Brian Powers
Existence of Nash Equilibria without Need for a Fixed Point Theorem
Poster session at International Workshop on Game Theory and Economic Applications of the Game Theory Society 2014
(IWGTS 2014)
Refereed Workshop Papers
Yi Huang, Brian Powers, Lev Reyzin
Training-Time Optimization of a Budgeted Booster
In the NIPS Resource-Efficient Machine Learning Workshop
(NIPSw 2013)
Selected Talks
- "Rapid Population Simulation and Sampling with", JSM 2021, August 2021
- " A New Suite of Web-Based Apps for Introductory Statistics", Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, February 2020
- "N-Player Final-Offer Arbitration: Harmonic Numbers in Equilibrium", International Conference on Game Theory, Stonybrook, NY, July 2019
- "Avoiding Surprises: Understanding the Impact of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on the
Decisions of Fishers and the Management of Fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico using an Agent-Based
Model", Joint Math Meeting 2019, Baltimore, MD, January 2019
- "StatPowers - A Simple Web-Based Statistics Suite for Introductory Statistics", Joint Math Meeting 2019, Baltimore, MD, January 2019
- "Simulating fish migration trails in the Gulf of Mexico using a biased random path in continuous space.", Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2018, New Orleans, LA, February 2018 slides
- "Final-Offer Arbitration - A Look at Multi-Issue and Multi-Player Extensions", Arizona State University, Mesa, AZ, October 2017
- "Final-Offer Arbitration - A Look at Multi-Issue and Multi-Player Extensions", Arizona State University, Mesa, AZ, October 2017
slides slides
- "A Few Games and Geometric Insights", Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, January 2017
- "Final-Offer Arbitration", University of Hartford, Hartford, CT, March 2016 (Invited)
- "An Analysis of Multivariate Final-Offer Arbitration", St. Michael's College, Colchester, VT, March 2016 (Invited)
- "An Analysis of Multivariate Final-Offer Arbitration", Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA, February 2016 (Invited)
- "An Analysis of Multivariate Final-Offer Arbitration", Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India, January 2016
- "An Analysis of Multivariate Final-Offer Arbitration", Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, Delhi, India, January 2016
slides video
- "An Analysis of Multivariate Final-Offer Arbitration", Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India, January 2016
- "An Analysis of Multivariate Final-Offer Arbitration", Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi, India, January 2016
- "Seven Figure Salaries, Avoiding Total Anarchy and Game Theory", Graduate Student Colloquium, Department of Mathmematics, Statistics and Computer Science, UIC, Chicago, IL, October 2015
- "Multivariate Final-Offer Arbitration", Statistics Seminar, Department of Mathmematics, Statistics and Computer Science, UIC, Chicago, IL, April 2015
- "Training-Time Optimization of a Budgeted Booser", Department of Mathematics and Statistics, California State University Monterey Bay, Seaside, CA, January 2015 (Invited)
- On Nash and Correlated Equilibria, Mathematics Department Colloquium, DePauw University, Greencastle, IN, December 2014 (Invited)
- On Nash and Correlated Equilibria, Graduate Student Colloquium, Department of Mathmematics, Statistics and Computer Science, UIC, Chicago, IL, December 2014
- "A Primer on Algorithmic Game Theory", Graduate Student Colloquium, Department of Mathmematics, Statistics and Computer Science, UIC, Chicago, IL, October 2013
I have been developing computer games, card games and board games for a long time.
PsycoTel Software

When I was about 10 back in the early 1990s I started learning to program in GW BASIC. I moved on to QBasic and Visual C++ in the late 90's. These games were made with my friend Richard Barfoot, and we used the company name "PsycoTel Software". Some of my favorites include:
- House-o-matic: Buildings have become alive and are killing people. Civilization is in chaos. Humanity's last hope is the House-o-matic, a huge robotic house designed to battle evil buildings.
- Krazy Kourse: A simple concept - and endless downhill go kart with randomly generated track. To make it interesting there's a huge boulder rolling down the track behind you.
- A Fool's Quest: This epic role-playing game (never finished) follows the Milton, a young jester who wants to perform in the royal court, but gets swept up in an adventure to save entertainment from disappearing from the land.
Element Tower Defense

I then got into designing maps for Warcraft III, my most popular one was called
Element Tower Defense (which has now been ported to Starcraft II, Dota 2, Android, etc). I made this game really for my own enjoyment and was surprised years later that it had become incredibly popular. In fact, it has inspired a version in
Teaching Experience
Personal Course Webpages
Instructor (ASU)
Fall 2021
- STP 420: Introductory Applied Statistics
- MAT 170: Precalculus
- ABS 350: Applied Statistics
Spring 2021
- MAT 267: Calculus for Engineers III
- STP 420: Introductory Applied Statistics
Fall 2020
- ABS 350: Applied Statistics
- STP 420: Introductory Applied Statistics
- MAT 265: Calculus for Engineers I
- MAT 267: Calculus for Engineers III
Spring 2020
- STP 420: Introductory Applied Statistics
- MAT 267: Calculus for Engineers III
Fall 2019
- MAT 170: Precalculus
- MAT 267: Calculus for Engineers III
- ABS 350: Applied Statistics
- Winter 2016-Current: MAT 240: Applied Statistics (Online) (Southern New Hampshire University)
- Spring 2017-Current: Mat 211: Statistics (Online) (Stratford University)
- Spring 2017: HLT-362v: Applied Statistics for Health Care
Professionals (Grand Canyon University)
- Spring 2017: BUS 660: Quantitative Methods (Grand Canyon University)
- Fall 2015: Math 112: College Mathematics (Northwestern College)
- Spring 2015: Stat 381: Applied Statistical Methods (UIC)
- Summer 2013: Math 143: Finite Mathematics (Moraine Valley Community College)
Teaching Assistant (UIC)
- Spring 2016: Math170: Calculus for the Life Sciences
- Summer 2015: Stat101: Introduction to Statistics
- Fall 2014: Math 180: Calculus I
- Summer 2014: Stat101: Introduction to Statistics
- Fall 2013: Math 210: Calculus III
- Summer 2013: Math 160: Finite Mathematics for Business
- Spring 2013: Stat 101: Introduction to Statistics
- Fall 2012: Math 160: Finite Mathematics for Business
- Summer 2012: Math 160: Finite Mathematics for Business
- Spring 2012: Stat 101: Introduction to Statistics
- Fall 2011: Math 160: Finite Mathematics for Business
Course Content Creator
Grader (UIC)
- Fall 2015: Stat 310: Applied Linear Algebra
- Spring 2014: Stat 381: Applied Statistics Methods
- Spring 2014: Stat 475: Mathematics and Statistics for Actuarial Sciences
- Fall 2013: Math 310: Applied Linear Algebra
Tutoring Experience
I have been tutoring professionally since 2010. After working at Katonah Tutoring Club throughout the spring of 2010 I moved to Chicago and began private tutoring. I have had a huge number of students ranging from middle school through graduate level. I tutor math, statistics and computer programming. However, recently with research and teaching I have been focusing more on statistical consulting.
My specialty is statistics, although this is a list of the subjects that I have tutored or I can tutor:
- Algebra
- Pre-calculus
- Trigonometry
- Calculus
- Probability
- Statistics
- Mathematical Statistics
- Linear Regression
- Financial Mathematics
- Number Theory
- Game Theory
- Linear Algebra
- Business Math
- Discrete Math
- Programming (C++, Java, HTML, PHP, SQL, CSS, JavaScript, Visual Basic)
- Excel
- LaTeX
My Wyzant Feedback includes a number of testimonials and my 5-star rating.
I've enjoyed doing web design since a sophomore in high school (1996). My how websites have improved since then! PHP is an absolute blast to program in, and creating websites with CSS, MySQL and JavaScript is always fun. Here are a few that I've made:
StatPowers is an extensive suite of web-based statistics calculators and applications. It is free to use, with no registrration. It is exceedingly easy to use, designed for the most comprehensive introductory statistics course.
Medal For You
Medal For You is a fun web tool that allows you to engrave anyone's name on a medal to let them know that they are a "#1 Winner!"
Shopper's Garden
Shopper's Garden was made for my mother when she got into the business of selling canvas shopping bags with beautiful vegetable fabric trim that she found. She has a few left in stock if you're interested!
Palmyra Comics
Palmyra Comics hosts my two comic books: "The Hot Cha Chronicles" volumes 1 and 2, a comic book based on stories created by my friend William and myself during our high school days. I also host comics by my little sister Laurel, "True Stories That Happened".
Funny Words
I enjoy puns. Here is an example of a pun conversation I had with my friends Chloë and Mary.
I also love mixed-metaphors. Here is my poorly named blog "Daily Mixed Metaphor".
Here are some jokes I made up:
- You know those people who spend their lives studying "Ice, Ice, Baby"? They really get a bad rap.
- How does Bigfoot tell what time it is? He looks at his sask-watch.
- When regular food is in trouble does superfood come to its rescue?
- What do you call a wolly mammoth who plays calypso music? Hairy Elefante.
Funny Pictures
Here are some images I've made that I think are funny.
The Windows font "Webdings" gives you this when you type in 'm'. What is it supposed to be? I think it's a secret service agent jumping on a trampoline.
I saw this sign near my house. I thought it would be funnier if I drew two lines on it.
Even the Earth's?
A shirt design I came up with in 2010
The idea came from my friend Kevin Lewis, I designed this for a t-shirt.
This is what I call Plotty Humor.
This is a combo probability joke / Back to the Future joke. If you think it's funny, then I love you!
Another combo math / potty joke.
More statistics humor.
Fans of Terry Gross who grew up in the 90s will get this joke.
These screenshots are from the old Sega Genesis game "The Crusader of Centy", and what happens when you name the main character "screw you!".
About Me
I'm a member of the Bahá'í Faith, a world religion which reaffirms the spiritual verities of Judaism, Christianity and Islam while providing laws and guidance to deal with the challenges currently facing humanity. I enjoy discussing religion and faith.
I am also an artist - here is a gallery of my artwork from high school, college and afterwards when I got into making stained glass windows. Recently I have been illustrating children's books once a year as a present for my niece and 2 nephews.
I have a wife Adele (married in 2010) and daughters Carys (born September 2013) and Delaney (born October 2017). They are completely awesome!
I am a vegan and have been since since January 2000. Although labels of diets can be problematic, the following are generally true of me:
- I do not eat meat (this includes fish and chicken - duh!)
- I do not consume dairy (milk from any animal) which includes cheese and yogurt.
- I do not eat eggs (from any animal, including butterflies, frogs and trout)
- I do my best to not wear leather and wool
- I also try my best to avoid buying products that have been tested on animals
- **UPDATE** I have been convinced that bivalves are a fair exception, so on occasion I will eat clams or scallops.
Here are some frequently asked questions about me being vegan:
Q: Is it because of your religion?
A: Although my religion makes it unlawful to be cruel to animals, and the vegetarian diet is encouraged in the Bahá'í writings, it is not a Bahá'í law. I chose to be vegan.
Q: Why are you vegan?
A: Frankly, I can't justify not being vegan by any rational argument. Originally I became vegan because I can't support the way animals are raised in this country, and eventually I realized the environmental impact of consuming animals is pretty devestating as well.
Q: Where do you get your protein?
A: From the food I eat, obviously. A normal vegan diet has ALL necessary animo acids in sufficient quantities. And the whole concept of a "complete protien" is bunko by the way.
Q: What if (some inane hypothetical scenario where I may have to break my diet)?
A: That's just silly.
Q: I could never stop eating cheese.
A: That's not a question!
I also love biking and gardening! I am member of the Scottsdale Community Garden Club.